Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal welcomed their first child, Lara, a baby girl, in June 2024. Since then, the actor has been busy balancing his work and parenting duties. The actor, who will next be seen in Baby John, recently spoke about how his life has changed after becoming a girl dad, stating that when a man becomes a father, his thinking changes completely. He shared, “The moment Natasha gave birth, the first thought that came to my body and soul was: how could I have been mean to my father?”
During a chat with Zoom while promoting Baby John, Varun Dhawan was asked how life is after being a father to a girl child and he said, “Ek hota hai, being a father, especially when a man becomes a father to a girl child. Wo bohot hi alag cheez hoti hai. Poora insan hil jata hai, realizing that your thinking changes completely. Jo mummy aapko bachpan me sikha rahi thi, wo saari cheezein wapas aapke dimaag me aane lagti hain.”
(There’s something about being a father, especially when a man becomes a father to a girl child. It’s a very unique experience. It shakes you completely, making you realize how much your thinking changes. All the things your mother used to teach you during childhood start coming back to your mind.)
Dhawan continued, “So, the moment Natasha gave birth, the first thought that came to my body and soul was: how could I have been mean to my father? Koi apni maa ke saath buri tarah kaise baat kar sakta hai, jinhone 9 mahine mujhe pala—especially after seeing what Natasha has done for my baby.”
(How can anyone speak harshly to their mother, the one who nurtured them for nine months—especially after witnessing what Natasha has done for my baby?)
He said that it was a crazy and wonderful experience. Having a daghter taught him so much about life and what being a man truly meant. He explained that the dialogue in his movie, “aa ab haath laga ke dikha meri beti ko,” had come straight from his heart.
Meanwhile, Baby John also stars Wamiqa Gabbi, Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff, Sanya Malhotra, and Rajpal Yadav in lead roles. The movie, directed by Kalees, is set to hit theaters on December 25, 2024