The grand trailer launch event of Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer was attended by none other than SS Rajamouli. Surely so, it turned into a delightful evening, as the two made some candid revelations about one another. Moreover, what grabbed attention was when RC made a curious comment on the filmmaker’s next anticipated venture, SSMB29, starring Mahesh Babu.

Well, SS Rajamouli was asked by a fan at the event to share any update on his next project, SSMB29, with Mahesh Babu, especially any tentative date of its release. However, it was Ram who responded with an interesting revelation, predicting the time when the upcoming film would possibly be released.

He said, “Unless something like COVID happens again, there’s no need for tension. The film will likely release in about a year and a half.”

For the uninitiated, the official pooja ceremony for this much-talked-about project took place on January 2 itself; however, absolutely no pictures or glimpses from the same ever made it to the internet.

In some pictures and videos that were circulated, SS Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu were seen entering the venue of the pooja ceremony of SSMB29 in Hyderabad. However, their faces could not be seen clearly, as the team wanted to maintain secrecy.

Check out the glimpses here:

Needless to say, this secretive approach by the filmmaker has already intrigued the audiences, as they cannot wait to behold the two creative geniuses come together to bring alive a globe-trotting adventure.

Besides this, Pinkvilla had earlier confirmed that Bollywood star and global icon Priyanka Chopra will be likely to be essaying the female lead opposite Mahesh Babu in the SS Rajamouli directorial.

On the other hand, Prithviraj Sukumaran will be playing the lead antagonist in the film. Reports suggest that the makers are planning to release the film in 2027.

ALSO READ: Did Ram Charan and director Shankar take a pay cut for Game Changer due to film’s delays?


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